Minouche Graglia
Nature Art & Ritual Healing Processes
Ecotherapy - Energy healing - Wisdom Counseling
Direct Divine intervention
Set upon a path of anointed healer, Minouche has become an extraordinary clear and widely open channel for the Divine to heal, guide and support your spiritual growth".
It was direct Divine Intervention that miraculously healed 10 year old Minouche of a severe sunstroke and changed her life forever. Set upon the path of an Anointed Healer, Minouche has in turn, surrendered her life to channel for the Divine to heal, guide, counsel, and support your spiritual growth
"What I see happening more and more often in a session with my clients is that they open their heart to awaken further to their own essence, their unique gift, which takes them to a higher plan of consciousness, quickening their healing process and spiritual growth, moving forward on their path with clarity and confidence.
"The way energy and information come to you is absolutely impressive.You are at a level of mastery."
"There is a fire, a passion that you have to bring forward Truth,you are willing to be present in the faith of life itself.
You have a brilliant mind, a genius level of information you can access.You can jump in there and bring these information back /
You are at a level of mastery. Training must begin now from you to others.
People sit with you and have you witness their process of moving fully into their life, With full integrity and presence,
when you are there, you are seeing clearly. There is no other way you can do your work but to engage with the person.
You speak, you see what ever is happening in someone else story you are doing the work.
You have incorporated the process to help them evolve."
Silver Light
Channeling by Crystel, Medium, Clairvoyant, 2004
Minouche' s bio
French born, Minouche comes from a long lineage of Healers. Her deep connection with Source, all living creatures and Mother Earth imbues all her work. She walks the Path of the Heart as a Healer and a Visionary Artist.
It all comes into alignment when she channels the Divine Light for healing, delivers Spirit messages, supports the awareness of your own Heart’ s call , or creates an art piece specifically designed for your well being and your own Heart Awakening.
Minouche followed an unusual path, from science to art and a large spectrum of healing modalities.
She has a degree in Chemistry & Pharmacy (1981 France)
and became a Jorhei channel, Reiki Master, Zhi Neng Medicine practitioner (1999 – 2003. CA.)
She is knowledgeable in Homeopathy, Flower Essences and Naturopathy.
She made Marin county CA her home in 1998 and since then has developed her ability to work as a program director in various fields for the service of others. (2000- 2012)
Minouche has been the Founder & Director of the Open Heart Healing clinic on donation basis. Fairfax CA (2006-2011),
She has a private practice for healing in San Rafael & Fairfax, CA,
She holds Healing Circles in many places in the SF Bay area: CircleCenter, Fairfax – Center for Sacred Studies , Guerneville – Heart Inspired Living, Point Richmond –
Minouche also has a degree in Fine Art, using natural pigments painting technique. She combines her skills as an artist with her gift for Healing and Divine messages to create Healing Art pieces.
Visit:Visionary Painting as Healing Art & Decorative Painting ( 2008)
Minouche is the author of the acclaimed Peace Makers” painting of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers council. (2008)
In addition to her Healing and Visionary Healing Art practice, Minouche Matita is the Executive Director for the non profit Abspice Balls Project,creating a global safety net of food for the future, humans caring for humanity.